Jérôme Lacaille

Safran Aircraft

Expert in algorithms


Jérôme Lacaille is a former student of the École Normale Supérieure and holds a teaching qualification in mathematics. He served as a lecturer at the École Normale Supérieure before co-founding the startup MIRIAD Technology, specializing in aeronautics. His professional journey led him to the semiconductor industry, where he was recruited as an expert by SNECMA (now Safran Aircraft Engines) in 2007. At Safran, he established the DataLab in 2015, overseeing a team of PhD students and currently leading the company's mathematical network. In addition to his corporate responsibilities, Jérôme serves as an associate professor at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord and École Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay. He is also a member of the scientific council of the Agence pour les mathématiques pour l'industrie et la société (AMIES) and previously held the position of vice-president at the Société de mathématiques appliquées et industrielles (SMAI).