Stéphane Requena


Directeur Technique


Stéphane Requena is Director Technology and Innovation at GENCI the French agency in charge of implementing the national strategy in HPC, HPDA, AI and now hybrid HPC+quantum computing. At GENCI since 2007 Stéphane and his team with the support of the 3 national computing centers are involved in upfront technological watch activities, participation into procurements activities at the national and international level, dissemination of the use of HPC and awareness rising within academia and industry, participation into European projects (EPI, PPI4HPC, PRACE-xIP, EXDCI, EUPEX, HPCQS, EuroQCS-France…) and initiatives (PRACE aisbl, EuroHPC, INFRAG), roadmapping exercise (EESI, EXDCI, PRACE Scientific Case) and development of new services toward quantum computing (HQI), link with scientific instruments, urgent computing / decision making… Previously he has been during 10 years in charge of the HPC facilities at Institut Français du Pétrole and involved into optimisation and parallelisation of oil & gas (geology, seismic, reservoir modelling) and automotive applications. He also worked in CS a French service company in parallelising applications in the field of energy for EDF and CEA.