Didier Mallarino


Ingénieur de Recherche


Didier Mallarino is a research engineer and computer scientist attached to the CNRS within the Unité d'Appui à la Recherche (UAR) of the Observatoire en Sciences de L'univers (OSU) Pythéas. He also teaches at the University of Toulon and co-directs the GDS Ecoinfo, which works to limit the environmental and societal impacts of ICT. He is one of the winners of the Crystal Collectif awarded to GDS members in 2023. Convinced that we could create a more sustainable future, he shares his knowledge with the general public and encourages socio-economic players to act with him to mitigate the impact of technology on our environment. In particular, he helped write the Guide de bonnes pratiques numérique responsable pour les organisations, and speaks at numerous public events on the impact of digital technology.