Become a partner

Being a partner of Forum Teratec means benefiting from broad visibility before, during and after the event


Join the elite of supercomputing!

Two exceptional days to meet this entire expert community at the Parc Floral. Multiply the opportunities for formal and informal networking with industry leaders in a favorable setting.

Benefit from the power of the largest French media group!

The Forum is supported by leading media such as Usine Nouvelle, Usine Digitale, Industrie et technologies, Le Moniteur, Gazette des Communes, Argus de l'Assurance, guaranteeing a targeted and quality audience.

Enjoy cutting-edge content for experts, by experts!

​Benefit from a program designed by specialists in high-performance computing, ensuring sessions rich in knowledge and innovation.

Speak out in exclusive and impactful formats!

Position your contributions at the core of the program and showcase your expertise to an engaged and influential audience.


Meet the decision-makers, users of high computing power!
CTO, Digital Technology Manager, Digital Transformation Manager, AI/HPC Solutions Architect, Industrial Data Scientist, Simulation and HPC Research Engineer, AI/HPC Collaborative Research Project Manager, R&D Manager, Information Systems Cybersecurity Manager, AI Innovation Research Manager, Lead Data Platform Product Manager, IT Infrastructure Manager...
Network with the most expert researchers, academics and students in the market!
CNES, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Supélec, CSTB, Andra, IFP New Energies, Cerfacs, Onera, École Polytechnique, Sorbonne University, etc.
Integrate all sectors into one event!
Energy, Aeronautics/aerospace, Security/defense, Telecommunications, Banking/finance/insurance, Automotive, Media, Health-Chemicals/cosmetics, Pharmaceutical industry, Environment/natural resources, Agriculture/Agri-food, Naval – Railway, Measurement/instrumentation, Metallurgy/foundry/steel industry, BTP Construction
They were present in 2024: Airbus, Air Liquide, Banque des Territoires, CCR Re, CEA, Cervval, Dassault Aviation, EDF, Eiffage, Framatome, Geoptis, GRDF, Inrae, L'Oréal, Michelin, Mobil, Naval Group, Orange Business Services, Safran, Thales, Total Energies, Valeo, …
Demonstrate your expertise on key technology and application topics!
· Performance and energy saving​
· HPC and embedded systems​
· Evolutions of HPC architectures
· HPC and AI in healthcare​
· Data storage​
· Defense, cybersecurity & AI​
· Quantum computing
Find the speaking opportunity that suits you!
Through our various offers, in addition to an equipped and strategically located stand, you will be able to host various formats, editorially boosted with the support of our editorial staff: keynote, round table, workshop, interview, pitch, forum, etc.